• The Staff of Stars.
    You will get this quest when you talk to the mayor after completing his first quest. He will ask you to seek the Staff of Stars. Leave Arhok via the west gate. Follow the path and cross the long bridge to the west. Go down and go under the bridge along the river. To the east, you will find Lyssa standing in front of a cave. Enter the cave, Halls of the Lost, and explore it thoroughly. Find the Lost Queen and kill her. A door will open and you can find displacers beyond that door. Go back to Arhok and talk to the mayor. He will now tell you to take the Island Way Station displacer, in the Lost Queen's Lair, to follow the Shadowjumper. Use the displacer to get back to the lair and then use the displacer to get to the Island Way Station. You will start on the beach, where you meet Najj. He will offer to join your party for free, being a Soldier. He also tells you to go and speak to Quaydhar, Utraean Elder in Illicor. Follow the obvious path until you come to a Mana Shrine. Enter the cave, near the Mana Shrine and find the passage through the rocks to get in the open again. Cross the bridge and continue following the path again. Another cave awaits you in the northern rocks. Head to the next passage to enter the Bluffs area. A long journey awaits you here. Eventually, you will come to a stone bridge leading to the north. Cross it and cross an other stone bridge to enter Illicor. You will encounter Quaydhar, Jhay and Ranwor here. Talk to Quaydhar and he will give you a quest. This quest will be described in chapter two. When you completed this quest, go back to Quaydhar and talk to him again. He will now tell you to find the Utraean Historian Therg at the ruins of Mhakesha. Head north and cross the Dark Jungle until you come to the City of Splendors. You can enter the Underground City here. You will find Therg the Historian here. Talk to him and he will give you a quest, which will be described in chapter two. He also tells you to go and find Algher Mhankur and he gives you a book 'The Binding of the Shadowjumper'. Use the elevator to get to the lower levels and head south. You will find Algher Mhankur there. Talk to him and he will tell you to seek Jharmaya. Leave the Underground City to the north and enter the Fen of the Frozen. Fight your way through the swamp and at the other side, go up the hills. You will come to a narrow bridge. Cross the bridge and continue going up hill. You have now entered the Mountain of the Dead. At the top of the mountain, you will find the entrance of the Lair of Cicatrix. Enter the lair and fight your way through it. Leave the lair by it's exit and you will be outside again. Follow the path and find the entrance of a second dungeon. Enter the dungeon and explore thoroughly. Leave this dungeon and you will come to the Ruined Ziggurats. Chapter three will start here. After a short walk, you will enter the Ruined City. Fight your way through it and you will eventually encounter Jharmaya. She tells you that the Shadowjumper entered the old transportation center. This is the circular building behind Jharmaya. Enter it and fight your way through it. Use the displacer, which takes you to Demlock's Cut. Fight your way through Demlock's Cut and Demlock's Ravine. Enter the Tower of Kmethkhet and find the exit. You are now in chapter four and you are at Xot's Pass. Fight your way through Xot's Pass and also through Cliff City and it's caves. You will come to the Ramparts area eventually. Find the entrance of a cave and fight your way through the cave. At the end, there is a door that gives you access to the fortress. Explore the fortress and find the entrance to the caves. Enter the caves and explore them thoroughly. Use the displacer that takes you to Mount Kreth. Chapter five will start here. You will meet Therg the Historian again. Talk to him and he will tell you that you must destroy the Shadowjumper and retrieve the Staff of Stars. Follow the path and go up the ramps. Cross some bridges and you will come to a cave. Enter the cave and find your way through it. Find the elevator , which takes you up to the great clock. You have to defeat the four elementals first. Once the elementals have been defeated, you can enter the main clock-area. Go down the stairs and first try to smash the Dark-Generators. Then kill the Shadowjumper Luitenants. Now, it is time to kill the Shadowjumper himself. When the Shadowjumper has been defeated, loot his body and take the Staff of Stars to complete this quest.

  • Family bow.
    When you talk to Reynard, after you have finished the first quest, he will ask you to find his sister, Lyssa, and deliver her bow. He will drop Reynard's Gift. Pick up the bow and leave the city via the west gate. Follow the path and cross the long bridge to the west. Go down and go under the bridge along the river. To the east, you will find Lyssa. Talk to her and she will offer to join your party for free, being a Bowyer.


    The story:

    This chapter starts when you usethe displacer to get to Island Way Station. You will come here while solving themayor's second quest in chapter one. At a certain moment, that quest will getyou to Illicor, where you meet Elder Quaydhar. He will give you a quest. Whenyou have secured Illicor, you must talk to Ezmera, who is in the most northernsection. She will have a quest for you. You can buy a Tragg from Ranwor and youcan buy a Mule from Jhay. Laeta, who is in the section west of where you metQuaydhar, sells potions and spells. In the section north of where you metQuaydhar, you will find Nardulo, who is a Hedge Wizard. He offers to join yourparty for free. When you are done in Illicor, head north and enter the DarkJungle. Fight your way through the jungle and you will meet Kraal Yellowtalon.He is a Soldier and he offers to join your party for free. Continue followingthe path until you come to the City of Splendors. Here you will meet Kale, whois a merchant. Enter the Underground City and meet Therg the Historian. Use theelevator to go down and find Algher Mhankur in the south. He offers to join yourparty for free, being a Skirmisher. Head north to get to the exit of theUnderground City and go out. You are now in the Fen of the Frozen. Follow thepath and you will come to a small camp. Talk to the people and trade your goodswith Healer Tass and Blacksmith Acha. Wym sells Traggs. Mheagan offers to joinyour party, being a Marksman. Kyrr will give you a quest. Find your way throughthe swamp and you will eventually come to a narrow bridge. Cross the bridge andkeep going up hill. You are now exploring the Mountain of the Dead. On top ofthe mountain, you will find the entrance to the Lair of Cicatrix. Enter the lairand you will meet Konus. He offers to join your party for free, being a wizard.He also gives you a quest. Fight your way through the lair and find the exit.Follow the path and you will come to the entrance of a second dungeon. Enterthis dungeon and you will meet Nirr. He has a quest for you. When you exit thisdungeon, you will enter the Ruined Ziggurats. Chapter three will start here.


    1. The Wizard City.
      Elder Quaydhar, in Illicor, will give you this quest. Actually, this quest is part of the mayor's second quest of chapter one. Quaydhar will ask you to clear Illicor of the Zaurask. Illicor is devided into nine sections. There are Zaurask in only two sections. Go to the section south-west of the section where Quaydhar is and kill the Zaurask. Do the same in the section east of the section where Quaydhar is. When you killed all the Zaurask, you have completed this quest.

    2. Therg's Apprentice.
      When you have completed the first quest of this chapter, you will get this quest from Ezmera. She worries about her brother and asks you to rescue Algher Mhankur, the missing Scribe. Head north and fight yourself a way through the Dark Jungle. You will come to the City of Splendors, where you can enter the Underground City. Talk to Therg and use the elevator, in the middle of the room, to get to the lower floors. To the south, you will find Algher Mhankur. Talk to him to complete this quest.

    3. The Stone of Lhaoc.
      You will get this quest from Therg the Historian, who can be found in the Hall of Records - upper floor. Use the elevator, in the middle of the room, to get to the lower floors. Explore the lower floors and head south. You will find Algher Mhankur. Talk to him and he will tell you to destroy the Hassat who hold the stone. Continue your journey through the Frozen Fen, the Mountain of the Dead, the Lair of Cicatrix, the Ruined Ziggurats, the Ruined City and Demlock's Cut all the way to Xot's Pass. When you just enter Xot's Pass (coming out of the cave), go to the right and immediately go up the small path to your left. Up the hill, you will come to a small camp of the Hassat. Kill them all and pick up the Stone of Lhaoc from the body of one of the Hassat.

    4. The Dark Acolytes.
      When you find the camp in the Fen of the Frozen, you will meet Kirr. He will ask you to eliminate the Dark Acolytes. Enter the Swamp and follow the path to the west. You will come to a clearing where you will find the Acolytes. Kill them all to complete this quest.

    5. The Scourge of Cicatrix.
      When you enter the Lair of Cicatrix, you will meet Konus. He will ask you to destroy the undead centaur Cicatrix. Explore the lair thoroughly and you will come to an area with lava. Follow the obvious path and you will encounter Cicatrix. Kill him to complete this quest. You can leave the lair by using the displacer, which takes you back to the Fen of the Frozen. You can also leave the lair by going through the exit.

    6. Special delivery.
      When you enter the second dungeon on the Mountain of the Dead, you will meet Nirr. He will ask you to travel to Xulphae's cave and deliver a letter to his son Jaff. He will give you Nirr's letter to Jaff. Go all the way to Cliff City and find the small passage through the rocks. Use the passage to get to the edge of the rock and find a cave. Inside that cave, you will find Ohna. She will ask you to discover what happened to Jaff and the rest of the negotiators. Follow the path again and fight your way through the caves to come to the Ramparts area. You will come to a broken bridge. Find the way around the bridge and you will find a cave. Enter the cave and you will encounter Jaff. Talk to him to complete this quest.


    The story:

    Once you exit the second dungeonof Mountain of the Dead, this chapter starts. You enter the Ruined Ziggurats andthen the Ruined City. Inside the Ruined City, you will meet Jharmaya. She willoffer to join your party for free, being a Magician. Enter the circular buildingbehind Jharmaya. Fight your way through the area and find the displacer, whichtakes you to Demlock's Cut. Explore the area thoroughly for goodies. You willmeet Bran Torath, standing at a bridge. He has a quest for you. A little furtheron, you will meet Lhuk Torath, who is a merchant. You can only trade goods withhim once you killed all the enemies in the camp. Continue your way and you willencounter Therg the Historian again. Talk to him and he will have a quest foryou. Go through the dungeons of the tower and you will come to Xot's Pass. Hereis where chapter four starts.


    1. The horror of the Runemaster.
      Bran Torath will give you this quest when you talk to him. He will tell you that his son, Lhuk, is at the other side of the bridge. He will ask you to defeat the Runemaster and his guardian. Once you defeated the Runemaster his staff, the Scythe of Angk, will be yours. Cross the bridge and kill all the enemies there. Also kill the Runemaster and his Guardian. Cross the long bridge on the other side of the camp and meet Lhuk Torath. Talk to him to complete this quest.

    2. The sunken tower.
      When you meet Therg the Historian for the second time, he will give you this quest. He will ask you to find and secure any other entrances to the tower. Enter the Tower of Kmethkhet and fight your way through. Find the exit and leave the Tower to complete this quest.


    The story:

    Once you come out of the cave andenter Xot's Pass, this chapter starts. Follow the path to the west and kill allthe enemies on your way. You will meet Uelda, who has a quest for you. Followthe path and you will come to Xot's Badlands. Inside a cave, you will findUmberteen, who has a quest for you. Continue following the path and you willcome to Cliff City. Find Ghage and talk to him. He will have a quest for you.When you make it to the edge of the rock, you will discover an other small cavewith Ohna inside. Ohna gives you some more clues on a still pending quest andshe is also a merchant. To continue your way, you must go up the ramp to thenorth and follow the path again. You will go through some caves and eventually,you will encounter Eradi. She will have a quest for you. Follow the path andenter the cave you come across. Fight your way through the cave. When you exitthe cave, you will be in the Ramparts area. Find your way around the brokenbridge and enter the cave. At the end of the cave, there is a door that givesyou access to the fortress. Explore the fortress thoroughly and you will findNeener. He is inside his emporium. He has a quest for you. He is also amerchant. Explore further and you will come to a room with Dark Generatorsinside it. Destroy the generators. There is an other room with Dark Generators.In that room, there is an entrance to the caves. Enter the caves and fight yourway through them. You will find a displacer taking you to Mount Kreth. Use thisdisplacer and you will be taken to the Clock Wastelands. This is where chapterfive starts.


    1. Redemption.
      While exploring Xot's Pass, you will encounter Uelda. Talk to her and she will tell you that the Pilgrim Umberteen is being held by the Droc. She will ask you to free him. Continue following the path, cross the river by using the small bridge and wade through the lake to get to the other side. Just after you crossed the lake with the Giant Krakbone in it, there is a cave to your left hand side. Enter the cave and wade through the water to reach the small island. Kill the Droc and free Umberteen. Talk to him to complete this quest.

    2. Reunion.
      When you have freed Umberteen, talk to him and he will give you this quest. He will ask you to locate his brother Ghage in the Cliff City of Xulphae's Cove. He also gives you Umberteen's book of Trickery. Leave the cave and follow the path. Go up the rocks to enter Cliff City. When you reached the top of the stairs, you follow the path and you will see a small passage through the rocks at your right hand side. In the middle of that passage is a small cave at the right side. Enter that cave and talk to Ghage to complete this quest.

    3. Nosirrom's Fall.
      When you have found Ghage in Cliff City, he will ask you to destroy the Zuarask King; Nosirrom. He will also give you Ghage's Notes. Do not leave the cage but go up the ramp to the north. Follow the path again. You will come to a cave. Enter the cave and fight your way through it. At the other end of that cave is the Ramparts area. Find your way around the broken bridge and enter the cave. At the end of the cave you will find a door that gives you access to the fortress. Explore the fortress and you will find Nossirom (1500 hit points) behind two huge doors. Kill him to complete this quest.

    4. The Healing Well.
      Inside one of the caves, you will find Eradi. Talk to her and she will ask you to destroy the Zaurask guarding and tainting the Healing Well. Follow the path and you will come to a cave. Enter the cave and cross the bridges inside until you come to the Healing Well. Kill all the Zaurask and this quest will be completed.

    5. The crystal guardians.
      When you talk to Neener, inside the fortress, he will ask you to destroy the four crystal guardians. Find the room with the entrance to the caves. Enter the caves and fight your way through them. You will find the crystal guardians. Kill them all to complete this quest.

    Legends Of Aranna Maps


    The story:

    This chapter starts once you usedthe displacer in the caves. You will meet Therg the Historian again. Talk to himand he will give you some more information about your last task; retrieving theStaff of Stars. Follow the path and get to the top of the area. Cross somebridges and you will come to a cave. Enter the cave and find your way throughit. Find the elevator that takes you up to the Great Clock. Go through the fourelemental chambers and defeat the elementals. Now, go down the stairs to theclock-arena and destroy the Dark Generators. Then, kill the ShadowjumperLuitenants. Now, kill the Shadowjumper and take the Staff of Stars. Actually,this game ends here. You can play on and if you want that, there is another doorto open which gives you access to a room with a displacer inside. That displacertakes you back to Arhok.


    In this game, you can find special equipment. These are sets of weapons,armor and other items which make a set. The following sets can be found in thissingle-player game:

    Dungeon Siege Walkthrough Maps

    Arhok's Lot:
    Arhok's Leather (in basement of your own house in Arhok)
    Arhok's Short Bow (in the Caves of the Lost in chapter one)
    Arhok's Shield (in a cave on the beach in chapter two)
    Arhok's Long Sword (at the dig site near the underground city in chapter three)
    Air of Illicor:
    Illicor's Ring (in the Halls of the Lost in chapter one)
    Illicor's Amulet (in the Dark Jungle in chapter two)
    Illicor's Beaded Hauberk (on the Mountain of the Dead in chapter two)
    Illicor's Staff (in Jherkal
    's Crown in chapter three)
    Illicor's Spellbook (in the Kmethkhet Tower in chapter three)
    Kit of Kajj:
    Kajj's Breastplate (in the dungeons of the dead in chapter two)
    Kajj's Gauntlets (in Jherkal's Crown in chapter three)
    Kajj's Helm (in Demlock's ravine in chapter three)
    Kajj's Claw (in Cliff City in chapter four)

    Dungeon Siege Legends Of Aranna Patch Italy Map Free

    Patents of the Inventor:
    Solov's Ward (in Jherkal's Crown in chapter three)
    Solov's Spellbook (in Jherkal's Crown prison in chapter three)
    Solov's Bow (in Demlock's Cut in chapter three)
    Demlock's Compendium:
    Demlock's Spellbook (quest reqard from Lhuk Torath in Demlock's Cut in chapterthree)
    Demlock's Amulet (in Xot's Badlands in chapter four)
    Demlock's Ring (near the stronghold in chapter four)

    Dungeon Siege Legends Of Aranna Patch Italy Map 2017

    Clockwork Posture:
    Clockwork Boots (near the Healing Well in Cliff City in chapter four)
    Clockwork Amulet (in the Zaurask Stronghold in chapter four)
    Clockwork Staff (near the displacer to Mount Kreth in the caves of theStronghold in chapter four)
    Clockwork Crossbow (near the Great Clock area in chapter five)